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your price: $2,237.70
list price:$2,797.13
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28H x 27W x 27D

chandeliers collection

chandeliers - helpful info

Chandeliers Placement

There are only a couple of special spots in our homes that we reserve for chandeliers. Usually, placement of chandeliers over dining tables and in the main entranceway is a given. But there are many other places were chandelier would work just fine. Chandeliers can do a great deal to [...]

Chandeliers Scale

Scale consideration when choosing chandeliers is very important on several different levels. The most important is: does the chandelier fit the scale of the room? No less important is the scale of the chandelier’s details – shades, crystals, beads, and candles. Scale consideration when choosing chandeliers Scale consideration is really [...]

Choosing Chandeliers That are Just Right

The best place to begin to decide what chandelier would work for you in a room is to narrow down the choice of chandeliers materials. Chandeliers can be made of many materials, each with a different effect in the decorative scheme. On their own, materials such as wood, brass, iron, [...]

Light Up Your Room in Elegance and Grace with Venetian Glass Chandeliers

Nothing can compare with the sparkle and grandeur of chandeliers, especially if they are authentic Venetian glass chandeliers. The exquisite craftsmanship and pure beauty of Venetian glass chandeliers provide not only light but also an artistic element of beauty. Venetian glass, which is produced exclusively using centuries-old techniques by glassmakers [...]
